👋 Friends,
I just wrapped up a week of hosting 30 hours of events - 3 evening mixers, 1 massive after party, and 1 two-day conference for 1,500 people. It’s been a thrill but I’m grateful to have a few days off to recharge and write this newsletter for y’all.
Today’s piece is about a topic I’ve struggled with during the earlier years of my career": getting promoted quickly. Below, I share my formula for success.
Also, i’ll be visiting Montreal, Dallas, Austin, and Toronto in the next few months. And likely London, Amsterdam, LA, and Austin in early 2024. Let me know if you’re around and please let me know if you have any recommendations.
Everyone wants to get promoted quickly, but few know how.
Most people believe that “working hard” is all it takes for an accelerated promotion. No. You need to do much more.
Over the past decade, I’ve been lucky to be able to work at 6 companies ranging from 10 to 200,000 employees in size. Through that experience, I’ve learned a thing or two that has helped me get promoted quickly.
Here’s how you can get promoted:
Understand (And Exceed) Expectations
First and foremost, the simplest equation for getting promoted is:
Understand what your manager expects of you. Outline clear goals and metrics.
Blow those expectations out of the water.
Step 1 is important. You need to first understand what their expectations are.
The projects they expect you to deliver.
The revenue they expect you to bring in.
The relationships they expect you to build.
The number of hours they expect you to work.
You can also ask: “What would exceeding expectations look like?”
Then take those expectations and over-deliver on them.
Master the Fundamentals
There are high-performing traits that are universally recognized regardless of the job, company or industry.
These are the fundamentals:
Work hard and show up on time
Be a good partner to others
Be organized and efficient
Communicate clearly
Ask for feedback
You can’t go wrong by doing these things well.
Evangelize Your Work
What most people don’t realize: It’s not enough to just do the work - you need to talk about it too.
When I worked at Facebook (now Meta), I’d make sure my manager, leaders, and executives knew about the impact of my work. I’d consistently send out email updates, attend executive office hours, and sign up for presentation slots.
If self-promotion is an newer muscle for you, start small. Start by sending weekly email updates (I use this template). Then book 15 minutes with your leaders to get feedback (and to speak about your work). Then find a way to schedule a presentation in front of the entire team. Rinse and repeat.
Any opportunity to share your work is a chance to prove that you are critical to the mission of the organization.
Eat The Frog
Finally, learn to eat the frog for your manager.
A simple formula:
Observe your manager
Find out what they hate doing
Figure out how to do it
Do it for them
One of the greatest hacks to get ahead and deliver value to your boss.
These are 4 simple principles that can make the world of a difference in proving to your boss that you are worthy of a promotion.
Try them out and let me know how it goes.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
📌 Andrew’s Picks
Fascinating internet things I’ve come across:
always bet on text — photos, illustrations, and movies are cool. But text wins by a mile. Text is everything. Text is the most powerful, useful, effective, communication technology ever, period.
Lessons from Keith Rabois Essay: How to be an Effective Executive — I had Keith Rabois speak at my conference this past weekend. He is brilliant. His principles on being a great executive.
5 Simple Ideas That Can Change Your Life — Mark Manson is one of my favorite thinkers. I say thinkers because I’m not sure I’m a fan of his writing style, but there are some gems in this piece about happiness, growth, and self-development.
🖼️ Behind the Scenes
A few months ago I told myself I wanted to put together a conference in 2024.
Then the stars aligned, I met Pomp and his wife, Polina and two months later we hosted the BUILD Summit.
We had two full days of programming. 26 hours. Hundreds of founders came and we had a stacked speaker lineup. What an insane experience.
Best part? We didn’t charge a single dime. I believe in providing value to those who are building the future.
With my first conference out of the way and 100+ events under my belt, I’m excited for what’s next.
If you’d like to work with me, as a sponsor or partner - let me know. Just hit reply to this email.
Hello Andrew! Love the article and totally agree! I just started a new role on September 9th at a reduced hours schedule, but came in and identified some big gaps WITH SOLUTIONS to solve them. Well, my project list now has 22 items on it and, as of yesterday October 2nd, I'm a full 40 hours - with talks already of transitioning team members under me in coming months. The exceed expectations part is the key, I think!
Also - I'm in the Dallas area, would love to meet you, have some coffee and talk shop when you're in town. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or my email is melissa.greer@twc.com.
The Magic Loop: A framework for rapid career growth - this is by far the best advice/system to grow your career and get promoted. Applicable to all levels (ICs, managers, executives). The creator, Ethan Evans, used this when he was a Amazon Senior Manager, Director, and VP (800+ team).
Ethan often tells managers "If you want a better team, show them this Magic Loop idea". Tell your team that you are open to working with them on their goals via this system if they are willing to invest and take on some necessary work to get there.